Rotipet Bird Toys
The starting point for all the products you see here is designing items that contribute to the healthy physical development birds. While at the same time ensure fun ! All wooden beads and sticks used in toys are coloured with paints suitable for food contact. All our products are handmade with utmost care using, 100% cotton yarns, natural woods, jutes, recycled cardboards, bird sand, and safe acrylic materials. In this and all our future catalogs, We promise not to offer you any product that we wouldn’t use for our own pets at home.
Before you start to examine do not forget that: Our products are not limited with the ones listed here.
We can work on any model you prefer. You can ask for any change in the colors, sizes, figures and even shapes of the products according to your own preferences.
It is limited with your imagination, and we are here to verify them within the limits of raw materials and technology!
Each day we are developing new products for our “Big hearted little friends” and we will add here!